Postagens populares

sexta-feira, 13 de julho de 2012

Outro vídeo pro meu APP!

Como todo mundo já sabe, eu estou tendo dificuldade pra encontrar famílias.
Então resolvi mandar um e-mail pra minha orientadora agradecendo o apoio dela (vulgo: puxando o saco!) pra ver se ela respondia mais do que: TENHA PACIENCIA! 

Ela revisou meu application e sugeriu que eu mudasse meu vídeo.
As sugestões dela foram essas:

-Começar o vídeo falando: Hello host family
-Colocar musica em portugues ao inves de ingles
-Colocar menos fotos com a sua família
-Tente falar de uma forma mais animada, como se vc estivesse falando com a família.
-Gravar seu vídeo em um lugar claro.

Entãoooo, resolvi escrever um "roteiro" pra me basear quando eu estiver falando.
Eis aqui o bonito :) (?)

Hello host family!
How are you? I hope you’re doing great!
I’m Isadora and I’m 18 years old! I’ll complete my 19 in September. I’m making this video because I would love to know your family and introduce myself!
I live in Campinas, a big city near to Sao Paulo. As Sao Paulo, Campinas has a lot of different people and ideas, so I’m used to share and receive other cultures.
I live with my parents, Carlos and Edmara, and with my young brother, Leonardo. They all support me to be an Au Pair!


I’m a very mature person for my age. That is the principal quality I have and it’s the quality that everybody admires in me! Besides that, I’m honest, careful, patient, funny, responsible and I love children! Nowadays, I’m making volunteer work in a child school. I’m taking care of 18 children who are between 3-4 years old. Sometimes, I take care of younger and older kids!


I choose to be an Au Pair for three reasons:
1st -  I LOVE children and the way we can learn with them.
2nd – I would love to share my culture and add knowledge to grow as a person.
3rd – I want to improve my English and have a great life experience!

Well, I think that’s it! I hope you’ve liked.
I can’t wait to know you and go to USA!
I hope we can have an amazing year and I hope it can happen soon!

Bye bye!

E aii people?! Ta bom assim?
Quando eu gravar meu video, posto aqui :)

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